About Us
Lifescience-forum is a medium to express and exchange views on various topics of life science. It is an ambitious effort to give a platform where any one can express their views without any restriction and get benefitted from interactions.
“If you only read the books that everyone else is reading, you can only think what everyone else is thinking.”
As we felt there is a void between students and researchers/professors. This forum is an attempt to fill this void. Make connections, have views on your blog/questions and enhance your understanding. Take the time and effort to consider other point of views.
“The key points for good discussion are; accessibility, non-combative, diversity, trust, cohesion and focus.”
- Acquire knowledge and insights from diverse point of view.
- Recognize and investigate your assumptions.
- Develop the capacity for the clear communication of ideas and meaning.
- Develop habits of collaborative learning.
- Awareness of, and tolerance for, ambiguity or complexity.
- Enhance the ability to articulate and defend positions; enlist and evaluate evidence.
“Start by doing what is necessary, then do what is possible and suddenly you are doing the impossible.”
Note: Inappropriate, rude or hostile postings will be deleted after one warning. Please disagree politely, do not try to dominate, and ask for clarification instead of denying other’s opinion.