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Formylation of Met-tRNAi in Prokaryotes, Understanding Evolution of Unnecessary
BACKGROUND: Nascent polypeptides bear the N-terminal Met residue, encoded by the AUG initiation codon. In bacteria and in eukaryotic organelles mitochondria and chloroplasts (remote descendants
Antibiotic Producing Bacteria; Self-resistance
The ultimate source of many of these genes is almost certainly the actinomycetes that make the antibiotics and therefore need self‐protective mechanisms to avoid suicide.
Enzyme Function in Organic Solvent
Organic solvents were used to either precipitate enzyme or to study denaturation. The reason why nonaqueous enzymology has generated so much excitement is that enzymes
mRNA Vaccines; Protein Replacement Therapy
Nucleic acid therapeutics have emerged as promising alternatives to conventional vaccine approaches. The first report of the successful use of in vitro transcribed (IVT) mRNA
Functional Organization of Genome
The use of fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) has revealed that each chromosome occupies a distinct nuclear territory and that the 3D positioning of chromosomes
The deployment of antibodies as antiviral agents has progressed through a number of stages over the years, corresponding to increasing levels of potency of the